Community Services

Lands Manager – Sylvia McCue
P: 705-437-3614
F: 705-437-3281

Please note that if you are renewing or replacing  your status card you will need an appointment from Monday to Thursday between 9am and 3:30 pm” Click on link to see full information regarding Status Card Renewal or Replacment

Be advised we are looking for the members listed on this list – Membership Addresses Required

Lands Assistant – Nancy Carr

Manager – Snake & Fox Island – Edward McCue
P: 905-989-2821

Throwback 20 years!

25 years of change on Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation Lands – Posted February 2021

The Chippewas of Georgina Island manage 3 Islands: Georgina, Snake and Fox Island. We own property at Virginia Beach and Island Grove near the town of Keswick. Our Band members live on Georgina Island with approximately 98 homes and 200 leasing properties. Snake Island has 227 cottage leases and Fox Island has 64 properties.

The Lands Department is responsible for all leasing activity, Indian Registration, Membership, Wills and Estates and all Elections and Treaty Votes. The Lands Department is responsible for issuing all leasing documents, assignments of leases, addendums, relinquishments and mortgages. We issue Evidence of Title documents for Band Members who transfer or sell land to other Members and register all documentation with Indian Lands Registry in Ottawa. Georgina Island First Nation is a signatory to the Framework Agreement on First Nation Land Management.

The total Band population is 725 and we administer our membership as a Section 10 Band under the Indian Act through the Department of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC). When a person confirms their status from AANDC they may then apply for Band Membership, which entitles that person to vote in elections and hold property on the First Nation. An application must be completed and submitted to the Membership Committee, which is reviewed and approved. If they meet the criteria, their names are posted on a Band Council Resolution for 60 days in the Band Office; after that time they are then added to the Membership Registrar. Our office issues Certificates of Indian Status and records all marriages, divorce, and birth and death events.

Elections are held every four years and are governed under the Indian Act. Only Band Members may vote. There are 4 positions for Council and one Chief. Only members living on the Reserve may nominate for both Chief and Council while off-Reserve members may nominate people for the position of Chief only, however they may still cast their ballots for both Chief and Council positions. 


Matrimonial Real Property Law By-law No. 24

Building By-Law No. 6-05