A special communication to all Band members

Have you completed your Education survey yet?

              Return your completed survey to the Band Office before March Break and receive your gift of a jar of raw, organic Georgina Island honey!
We appreciate your participation in the survey
Education Review Survey Link


Windaabteg Educational Consulting
February 27, 2019

Aaniin Georgina Island community members;

It is our honour to be working with the Education Authority on Georgina Island, and all of you, to complete a school review, and plan collaboratively for future educational needs of your children and youth.

We are a husband and wife team of educators- our work in First Nations education is based on our combined experiences in various First Nation & provincial schools over the past 33 years:

  • Jeff Monague, from Beausoleil FN, has a background as an Ojibwe language teacher K-gr.12, along with post-secondary teaching, is a fluent speaker of Anishinaabemowin and a knowledge keeper.
  • Alison Bradshaw is a non-Indigenous ally who began her teaching career in northern Ontario FN communities along the west coast of James Bay, then in Manitoba, Pikangikum and Christian Island, before moving to the Simcoe County District school board as a Principal. She has also taught new teachers in the York University Faculty of Education.

We have completed several school reviews in other First Nation communities, and have found that the best results come from partnering with community members, parents and staff to listen and collect input from the “experts” on the ground- all of you!

Please take a few minutes to complete the surveys you will be receiving, either on paper or electronically, so that we can hear your thoughts and include your perspectives in this report.

You know best what is working for the students of Georgina Island, what needs to change and how best to move forward. We would be most grateful for your involvement!

Gchi miigwech,
Alison and Jeff


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