Reminder: If you have signed up for the pre-authorized debit payments for your property taxes, you do not need to make additional payments. The account that you indicated will be debited approximately 3 business days before the tax due date.
Property Assessment Notices
The Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) has produced the GIFN assessment roll for the 2025 property tax year and issued property tax notices. As in the rest of Ontario, interests in land continue to be valued as of January 1, 2016. The next province-wide general reassessment in has been postponed and the 2016 valuation date will continue to apply for the 2025 property tax year.
MPAC is contracted by GIFN to conduct property assessments in accordance with our assessment law and Ontario property assessment rules and procedures. MPAC is an independent, not-for-profit corporation responsible for assessing and classifying more than five million properties across the province. MPAC’s assessors are trained experts in the field of valuation and apply appraisal industry standards and best practices. If you have questions about your property assessment, you may contact MPAC at 1 877 254-4670 or email
Request for Reconsideration:
If you disagree with the assessed value, classification, or tax status of the property, or if there is an error or omission on your Property Assessment Notice, you have the option to file a Request for Reconsideration (RfR) with MPAC, free of charge.
The deadline for filing a RfR is indicated on your assessment notice.
Link to FAQs and Request for Reconsideration Form
If you have questions about the RfR process or would like more information about your property assessment, you may contact MPAC at 1 877 254-4670 or email
To notify us of any changes to your address, please complete and submit the Change of Address Form
Link to Change of Address Form
Failure to receive your property tax bill does not mean you do not have to pay property taxes. You are responsible for any amounts that come due and any penalty and interest charged on these amounts.
Interim property tax notices are mailed March 1, 2025, and payments are due April 1, 2025. Interim payments are equal to your 50% of your 2024 property taxes, plus any arrears. Final property tax notices are mailed July 1, 2025, and emailed to the distribution list. Payments are due August 1, 2025.
Taxes that are not paid by the due date shall incur a penalty of 10% and interest at 1.25% per month, not to exceed 15% per year, until paid or recovered.
Taxes must be paid
Certified cheques or money orders shall be made payable to the Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation.
Preauthorized debit payments will be automatically debited three business days before August 1, 2025.
The filing of an assessment appeal does not remove the obligation to pay taxes by the due date.
Notice of Proposed GIFN Annual Rates and Expenditure Laws and Local Services Budget 2024: Link
Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation Annual Tax Rates Law 2024: Link
Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation Annual Expenditure Law 2024: Link
Georgina Island Tax District Property Tax Expenditures Information Sheet: Link
Snake and Fox Islands Tax District Property Tax Expenditures Information Sheet: Link
GIFN Property Tax Administration maintains an email contact list to be able to provide email communications in addition to postal, website and other communication methods. This list will only be used for property tax administration purposes and will not be disclosed, sold or licensed to third parties. If you would like to be added to the GIFN Property Tax Administration Email Contact List, please send an email with your contact information to
The Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation Property Taxation Law, 2018 and the Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation Property Assessment Law, 2018 have been approved by the First Nations Tax Commission (FNTC) on July 12, 2018 and came into force July 13, 2018. GIFN laws are also available on the First Nations Gazette web site
Property taxes are calculated by multiplying the assessed value of your property by the property tax rate. GIFN property tax rates are established each year in the GIFN annual rates law.
GIFN Property Tax Key Dates 2025
If you have questions about GIFN property tax administration, contact Stephanie Big Canoe at or (705) 437-1337 ext. 2235 at the GIFN band office.
First Nations Tax Commission
First Nations Gazette